Academic Approach
The piecemeal approach of giving justified information and not overloading students with exhaustive knots of knowledge in the teaching-learning process is the string secret of our success. Life bring inherently transformational, every activity or programme organized in our institution makes the child creative and question to himself to the end of the day…. ‘what did I learn to do differently today?' Academic Programmes like… Maths Marathon, Science Bits parade, Regular Assignments, Talent Search Exams etc., besides the regular exams and tests form the main core of curriculum. The group norms and behavior patterns are well expressed through collective attitudes of human values… that govern the DNA of staff potential.

Those students with impressionable minds are structured into fine finished products before they depart from the hallowed portals of Candor Shrine prepared for an arduous journey to compete as a world citizen. The passing out students of Candor Shrine sharpen their core identity of habit patterns, perspectives and world views and develop their internal navigation system before they sail out into the global educational challenges.